Football on Sunday 22, January at 10:00

→ Organized by Jamel

Open football match
10:00 → 11:30
Mohamed Removed
Ali Won't be there
Alex Won't be there
Kev971 Won't be there
Yazid Won't be there
Atanane Won't be there
MarwenGallala Has been invited
Dado Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Wallid Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Omar19 Has been invited
Ismail89 Has been invited
Dzpower Has been invited
Frontis-Lewis Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Jr Estéban Has been invited
frederic bellanger Has been invited
Yousfi Has been invited
fmb Has been invited
Abderrahman Has been invited
Nshuit Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
BRD78 Has been invited
Nabil Has been invited
ISSAMEEE Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Julien78 Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Sly7 Has been invited
Wutang7 Has been invited
Bassem Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Akira Has been invited
Toonsy78 Has been invited
✌Majzlatane ⚽️ Has been invited

Jamel has blocked a spot for Mourad

Jamel has blocked a spot for Mohamed

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

Jamel has removed the player Mohamed

Jamel has blocked a spot for Faed


19/1 17:36


Salah13 joined the match

Bassem joined the match


19/1 17:47

Saha Djam


19/1 18:11

Merci Jamel mais pas là ✌🏽

Nordine. joined the match

Yassine_19 joined the match

Rachid joined the match

Yazid joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Atanane joined the waiting list

Omar Mejri joined the waiting list

Djeffo joined the waiting list


21/1 11:10

Salam les frères
Une ptite confirmation pour demain incha’Allah svp 🙏


21/1 11:13

Aleykoum salam je viens de voir y’a une liste d’attente alors je laisse ma place. Le Covid est de retour… bon match les gars

Atanane automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Yazid left the match


21/1 12:07

Salam aleykoum. Je confirme ma présence in sha Allah

Omar Mejri automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Atanane left the match


21/1 12:50

Yo les gars je suis dispo s'il y a un désistement.

Bon foot à vous

Brigan joined the waiting list


21/1 15:28

Omar tu viens bien jouer demain ? Parce que je vois que Atanane a dit qu il était là, mais il est parti. Omar confirme moi stp


21/1 15:31

Et Bassem aussi stp

Mohamed Delastagass

21/1 15:36

Je confirme pour moi faed et mourad


21/1 15:48



21/1 16:06


Luxbru joined the waiting list


21/1 21:20

J’ai eu tout le monde. A demain incha’Allah a l’heure svp 🙏🙏

The organizer has edited the lineups


22/1 01:39

Désolé les gars j'étais bien dispo. Erreur de manip. Pas grave ça sera pour une prochaine in sha Allah. Bon match à vous

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 22 January at 10:00