Football on Sunday 15, January at 10:00

→ Organized by Jamel

Open football match
10:00 → 11:30

Waiting List

Toonsy78 Won't be there
Salah13 Removed
Ramos-78 Won't be there
MarwenGallala Won't be there
Dado Won't be there
Wutang7 Won't be there
Bassem Won't be there
Kev971 Won't be there
Mimoun Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Omar19 Has been invited
Frontis-Lewis Has been invited
Ismail89 Has been invited
Julien78 Has been invited
BRD78 Has been invited
Abderrahman Has been invited
Sly7 Has been invited
Salif Has been invited
ELMALKI Has been invited
Brigan Has been invited
NiRoN Has been invited
Ham Has been invited
Marwenn Has been invited
Dzpower Has been invited
fmb Has been invited
Jr Estéban Has been invited
Yousfi Has been invited
Wallid Has been invited
Nabil Has been invited
frederic bellanger Has been invited
ISSAMEEE Has been invited
Bassem Has been invited
Manolo78 Has been invited
El Hizaz Has been invited
Anto carap Has been invited
StartNess Has been invited
Alinho Has been invited
samir Has been invited
Rafik78 Has been invited
Adel Has been invited
Tayèb Has been invited
Wane. Y. Has been invited
Samba Has been invited
Nawar Has been invited
Tony Has been invited

Wutang7 joined the match

Wutang7 joined the match

Ali joined the match


12/1 16:29

Salam fréro.
En plein déménagement, semaine pro inchallah hâte de vous revoir !😎


12/1 16:30

Mimoun t es pas en plein déménagement ce soir à 20h30? 😂

Yassine_19 joined the match

Nordine. joined the match

Toonsy78 joined the match

Toonsy78 left the match

Yazid joined the match

Ramos-78 joined the match

Jamel has blocked a spot for Salah13

Rachid joined the match

Ramos-78 left the match

Mohamed Delastagass joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mohamed Delastagass

12/1 18:44

Selem les freres c'est ok pour moi et mourad

Mohamed Delastagass has blocked a spot for Mourad

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


12/1 18:59

Yes Djam ! Merci frero ! J serai là !!😉👌🏼

Salah13 joined the waiting list

Salah13 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Jamel has removed the player Salah13


13/1 11:21

Les frères quand vous arrivez dimanche matin hésitez pas à boire quelque chose c est salah qui paye


13/1 12:14



13/1 13:31

Salah appelle la banque dis lui d augmenter le plafond de ta carte bleue électron 😂

Bassem joined the waiting list

Bassem automatically added to the match from the waiting list


14/1 09:16

Jamel vire bassem du match frérot il joue déjà avec akira


14/1 11:28

Salam Bassem choisis un des 2 matchs stp pour qu’on puisse s’organiser


14/1 11:30

Merci Ali de m'avoir prévenu que tu joue

Bassem left the match


14/1 11:32



14/1 11:32



14/1 11:33

Djam on pe pas inviter sur le match !!🤓


14/1 11:34

Ah non il es open ! Pas vu ! Autant pr moi !!😅

✌Majzlatane ⚽️ joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


14/1 11:46

Yes maj !!😉😃c parfait ! on est bon là !!😄


14/1 11:48

Avec plaisir et honnêtement je suis content que tu ne sois plus sur notre match ça me ferai chier de gâcher mon match


14/1 11:49

La dernière qu on a joué ensemble t était tellement statique que les gens te tirait dessus car il te confondait avec le poteau


14/1 14:31

Salam les frères
Merci de tous confirmer pour demain svp. Surtout surtout, venez à l’heure


14/1 14:32

Moi je serai là bien avant sans soucis


14/1 15:57

Merci Ali
Les autres svp comme ça on clôture ça rapidement


14/1 16:36



14/1 16:37

Ok pour moi 😉


14/1 16:46

Sisi le retour du frérot yazid! Le zizou du 95! Ça fait plaisir mon reuf


14/1 16:58

Plaisir partagé mon reuf 👍


14/1 17:00

Jspr que t es bien retabli


14/1 17:35

On va bien s’échauffer in sha Allah 🤲


14/1 17:37

Ramène ton fauteuil roulant au cas où


14/1 17:38



14/1 17:40

Bon je vais me coucher pour être à l heure demain inchallah 😂! Salah couches toi tôt et lâche ce que t a dans la main 😘


14/1 17:45



14/1 20:20

Ok pour moi

Mohamed Delastagass

14/1 22:24

Ok pour moi et mourad

The organizer has edited the lineups

Alex joined the waiting list


15/1 09:26

Salah je viens d arriver je prend un café sur ton compte

Kick-off : match is starting


15/1 10:03


The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 15 January at 10:00