Football on Wednesday 7, December at 20:30

→ Organized by Michael

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Ilyes (added by Michael)
Vegeta (added by Michael)
Bradley (added by Michael)
Florent (added by Michael)
Rach (added by Michael)
Adama (added by Michael)
Sahara (added by Michael)
Bein (added by Michael)

Waiting List

Jayjay Removed

Michael has blocked a spot for Ilyes

Michael has blocked a spot for Jayjay

Michael has blocked a spot for Vegeta

Michael has blocked a spot for Bradley

Michael has blocked a spot for Florent

Michael has blocked a spot for Rach

Michael has blocked a spot for Adama

Michael has blocked a spot for Sahara

Michael has blocked a spot for Bein

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups

Michael has removed the player Jayjay

Pisco joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


07/12 18:20

Les gars je suis dispo s'il y a un désistement

Brigan joined the waiting list


07/12 18:26

👍c’est noté


07/12 18:27

Salut Pisco , tu confirmes pour ce soir ?

The organizer has edited the lineups

The organizer has edited the lineups


07/12 18:51

Merci Michaël


07/12 19:37

Pisco faut que tu confirmes sinon on doit te remplacer


07/12 20:07

Oui je confirme


07/12 20:13

Merde on ta remplacé comme on avait pas de confirmation et pas ton numéro


07/12 20:14

Vu qu’on a déjà eu le cas on voulait pas se retrouver en galère


07/12 20:16

Ha oui mais si je me suis inscrit c’est parce que je vais venir. Sinon j’allais me desinscrire. En plus je suis déjà en route et tout.


07/12 20:16

Bon match…


07/12 20:26

Merde désolé…Le problème qu’on a déjà eu ce cas là car il y a des comptes bidon sur l’appli et on s’est retrouvé à 9 n’hésite pas à laisser ton numéro comme ça si tu répond pas sur footinho je t’appelle mais là j’ai pas de numéro

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 7 December at 20:30