Football on Tuesday 26, July at 21:00

→ Organized by De rotti

Open football match
21:00 → 22:30


Amine (added by De rotti)
Dani (added by De rotti)
Fabio (added by De rotti)
Younes (added by De rotti)
Felix (added by De rotti)
Mndrs Removed
Marwenn Won't be there
Alex Won't be there

De rotti has blocked a spot for Amine

De rotti has blocked a spot for Dani

De rotti has blocked a spot for Fabio

De rotti has blocked a spot for Younes

Frontis Lewis joined the match

Zak95 joined the match

Badem joined the match

Badem has blocked a spot for Mndrs

Enes joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

De rotti

25/7 23:57

Vous avez une bonne équipe badem ? Parce que nous on est costaud demain

Badem has removed the player Mndrs

Alex joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Marwenn joined the waiting list

Marwenn left the waiting list


26/7 16:52

Alex tu t'es inscrit sur deux matchs


26/7 16:52

Les deux matchs sont le même jour et à la même heure


26/7 16:56

Je vais me désister du match, car trop tard pour moi

Alex left the match


26/7 17:03

De Rotti, on a pas d'équipe.
Je viens qu'avec Enes.
On connaît pas les autres

De rotti

26/7 17:11

Mais vous deux cest fort ?

De rotti

26/7 17:11

Zak je ke connais il est bon et lewis aussi

De rotti has blocked a spot for Felix

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


26/7 17:38

Enes bon niveau.
Moi moyen

De rotti

26/7 17:47

Les 3 autres sont bons

Kick-off : match is starting

De rotti

26/7 21:02

Vous êtes la les gars

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Tuesday 26 July at 21:00