Football on Friday 8, April at 20:30

→ Organized by Michael

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Flo (added by Michael)
Mani (added by Michael)
Fab (added by Michael)
Team Marwenn (added by Michael)
Team Marwenn2 (added by Michael)
Team Marwenn3 (added by Michael)
Team Marwenn4 (added by Michael)
Team Marwenn5 (added by Michael)

Waiting List

Flo2 Removed
Dado Won't be there
Hb24 Won't be there
Maxime Won't be there

Michael has blocked a spot for Flo

Michael has blocked a spot for Mani

Michael has blocked a spot for Fab

Michael has blocked a spot for Flo2

Maxime joined the match

Dado joined the match

Dado left the match


04/4 23:05

Hello ! merci pour l'invite! je ne suis pas disponible en semaine

Hb24 joined the match

Hb24 left the match

Maxime left the match

Michael has blocked a spot for Team Marwenn

Michael has blocked a spot for Team Marwenn2

Michael has blocked a spot for Team Marwenn3

Michael has blocked a spot for Team Marwenn4

Michael has blocked a spot for Team Marwenn5

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


08/4 12:55

Yo Michael je suis dispo au cas où ☺️ bon foot à vous

Brigan joined the waiting list


08/4 13:09

Salut Brian ! Ok je fais le tour des joueurs et je te dis direct si il y a une place 👍merci


08/4 15:48

D'accord merci bcp


08/4 16:28

Salut les gars, je suis dispo aussi si y'a des désistements

Dylan78 joined the waiting list


08/4 16:30

J’ai fait le point tout le monde est présent désolé mon gars 😣…


08/4 16:31

Salut Dylan, c’est noté mais je viens de faire le point et tout le monde est présent , en cas désistement je te dis 👍


08/4 18:32

Bryan toujours chaud ? On a perdu un joueur galère de train

Brigan automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Michael has removed the player Flo2


08/4 19:06

Oui toujours chaud


08/4 19:16

Nikel 👍à toute à l’heure alors match 20h30 resa au nom de Michael


08/4 19:23

Parfait merci pour les infos à tte

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 8 April at 20:30