open foot du dimanche on Sunday 10, July at 10:00

→ Organized by Team LE FIVE CARRIERES

Open football match
10:00 → 11:30


!ChArLy! Won't be there
Borodino Won't be there
Antonio Won't be there
Rom Has been invited
SAM64 Has been invited
Manrique Has been invited
Damian Rojas

03/7 14:31

J'arrive dans la dernier place


03/7 15:31

dommage , je suis arrivé en retard ... la prochaine fois

Fabrice Valtancoli

03/7 18:46

dispo si une place se libère

Fabrice Valtancoli

03/7 19:11

Pour ceux qui veulent jouer, j'ai créé ce second match à la même heure :

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 10 July at 10:00