OPEN FOOT Match 2- terrain réservé. on Sunday 6, March at 10:30

→ Organized by Team LE FIVE CARRIERES

Open football match
10:30 → 12:00
!ChArLy! Won't be there
Vicente78450 Won't be there
Borodino Won't be there
Rom Won't be there
Gregorinho Won't be there
Fabrice Valtancoli Won't be there
Nabil Won't be there
JOSE FREIRE Has been invited
Akli Has been invited
Akira Has been invited
Julcsp78 Has been invited
Khaled MCO Has been invited
Da costa Has been invited
Laura Soares Has been invited
Neymar Jr, 2ème chouchou de l'Emir après Nabil

05/3 19:11

Ríos, amène 5 amis à toi...


05/3 19:21

Mdr... J aimerai bien, mais personne de dispo...


05/3 21:45

comme on sera pas assez c'est mort pour demain on verra dimanche prochain


05/3 23:29

C'est la pénurie pour le deuxième match.
Avec mes amis on peut être 4 pour la semaine prochaine (peux pas ce dimanche de toute façon).

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 6 March at 10:30