TOURNOI FOOTINHO on Friday 11, December at 20:00

→ Organized by Team Footinho

Open football match
20:00 → 23:59


Team Val (added by Team Footinho)
Team Auchan (added by Team Footinho)
Team Bouygues (added by Team Footinho)
Team Covance (added by Team Footinho)
Team Fiesta (added by Team Footinho)
Team Biz en scène (added by Team Footinho)
Team TLV (added by Team Footinho)
Team FLS (added by Team Footinho)
Team Medici Deco (added by Team Footinho)
Team Chloé (added by Team Footinho)
Team FCB (added by Team Footinho)
Bande à Rocco (added by Team Footinho)
Team INTERSPORT (added by Team Footinho)
Team la VB (added by Team Footinho)
Team Footinho Won't be there
FRANK RIOS Won't be there
JOSE FREIRE Won't be there
Team Alex Won't be there
Mooki Won't be there
Bastien Won't be there
jordan pinto Won't be there
Enzo Won't be there
Vicente78450 Has been invited
Borodino Has been invited
Akli Has been invited
J2MG Has been invited
Rom Has been invited
Julcsp78 Has been invited

25/11 22:29

Team Akira : Sam64, fmb, khaled mco, Kamil


29/11 21:42

Les gars ce sont des équipes qu'il faut inscrire !!!!

Fabrice Valtancoli

09/12 10:30

Le tournoi est complet

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 11 December at 20:00