Football on Monday 2, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Rachid Allay

B.anass Won't be there
Zouhair 007 Won't be there
Ami khalid Removed
Rachid Allali Has been invited
khalid 01 Has been invited
Mamouns Has been invited

abdou joined the match

Amin DZ joined the match

Salaheddine joined the match

Timoula joined the match

B.anass joined the match

B.anass left the match

Youssoufi ayoub joined the match

Mohammed Reda joined the match

Zouhair 007 joined the match

Youssoufi ayoub has blocked a spot for Hady

Youssoufi ayoub has blocked a spot for Mohamed youssoufi

Zouhair 007 left the match

Youness BENELKADI joined the match

Rachid Allay has blocked a spot for Khalid

abdou has blocked a spot for Ghali

Rachid Allay has blocked a spot for Ami khalid

Rachid Allay has removed the player Ami khalid

Karim Dr joined the match

Mohssine aguenaou joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Monday 2 January at 20:00