Football on Sunday 21, May at 18:00

→ Organized by Franck.colonna

Open football match
18:00 → 19:00


Le Lyonnais (added by Rémi Fal)
Massimo (added by Cavalca mehdi)
Kylian (added by Cavalca mehdi)
Axel (added by Cavalca mehdi)
Liazid (added by Rémi Fal)
Daniel.Pilato Won't be there
Kevin Won't be there

Kevin joined the match

Cavalca mehdi joined the match

Rémi Fal joined the match

Rémi Fal has blocked a spot for Le Lyonnais

Cavalca mehdi has blocked a spot for Massimo

Daniel.Pilato left the match

Cavalca mehdi has blocked a spot for Kylian

Cavalca mehdi has blocked a spot for Axel

Rémi Fal has blocked a spot for Liazid

Kevin left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 21 May at 18:00