Football on Sunday 12, February at 15:00

→ Organized by Roberto Sandoval

Open football match
15:00 → 17:00
Reynier pierre Won't be there
Matthieu13 Won't be there
marcaillou maxime Has been invited
ColinFontes Has been invited
Mickou Has been invited
Gueydon Has been invited
Nicolas rst Has been invited
Castaldo Has been invited
DodoAlvaro Has been invited

Rosario joined the match

Lucas Ouhooooo joined the match

Roberto Sandoval

12/2 10:26

Pour le moment on est quatre avec Yannis

Jousao joined the match


12/2 14:19

quelqu'un a pensé à la 3ème ?

Roberto Sandoval

12/2 14:33

J'ai deux bières


12/2 14:40

J'ai des bières sans alcool si celà intéresse quelqu'un.

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 12 February at 15:00