Football on Wednesday 22, March at 19:00

→ Organized by MehdiBenj

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00

Badri frih joined the match

Yann joined the match

Ettore Giacobbe joined the match

SoufianeB30 joined the match

CONTINO joined the match

Yves joined the match

Mosbah joined the match

Gauthier joined the match

Yann has blocked a spot for Manu

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Moussa B joined the waiting list

Moussa B automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Yann has removed the player Manu

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Moussa B

22/3 18:17

Les gars je viens de voir qu'on est complet ... Je suis malheureusement encore à Marseille et je vais certainement avoir une trentaine de minutes de retard. JE SUIS ENCORE À LA GARE ST CHARLES. LE PROCHAIN TRAIN EST À 18H40
Si vous avez quelqu'un qui est chaud, je laisse ma place. Sinon, j'essaie de réduire le retard.

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 22 March at 19:00