Football on Sunday 8, January at 20:00

→ Organized by Taoufikfares

Open football match
20:00 → 21:30


Ayoub (added by Taoufikfares)
Joe (added by Taoufikfares)
Nizar (added by Taoufikfares)
James (added by Taoufikfares)
Reda (added by Taoufikfares)

Taoufikfares has blocked a spot for Ayoub

Taoufikfares has blocked a spot for Joe

Taoufikfares has blocked a spot for Nizar

Taoufikfares has blocked a spot for James

Oubella782 joined the match

Karim b

08/1 12:17

Bonjour quel est les prix du five

Aïssa joined the match

Oubella joined the match

Samy Loup joined the match

Taoufikfares has blocked a spot for Reda

The match is full


08/1 15:58



08/1 15:58

Bonjour réservation au nom de Nizar


08/1 15:59

Terrain messi


08/1 16:00

merci frérot à toute à l’heure

Samy Loup

08/1 16:16

Si quelqu’un se désiste j’ai un pote il veut jouer

Samy Loup left the match

Samy Loup joined the match

The match is full


08/1 19:13

sa se passe comment les compos ?


08/1 19:36

Sur place, vous pouvez m'appeler au 0778105495

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 8 January at 20:00