5 vs 5 on Thursday 18, June at 20:30

→ Organized by Alexandre Bigey

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Spauc (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Jo (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Nico (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Richard (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Alex (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Mika (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Didier (added by Alexandre Bigey)
Jeremy Fleury Won't be there
Karim Ziani Ellouel Has been invited
Lakhdar Has been invited
zlatan Has been invited
Nabil Has been invited
MICKAEL 23 Has been invited
nico Has been invited
kninba Has been invited
Samir Has been invited
Silver85 Has been invited
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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 18 June at 20:30