Football on Wednesday 22, March at 18:00

→ Organized by Sylvinho06

Open football match
18:00 → 19:00


Jose (added by Sylvinho06)
Camillo (added by Sylvinho06)
Jonathan (added by Sylvinho06)
Yacine (added by Sylvinho06)
David (added by Sylvinho06)
Loïc malburet Won't be there
Teofil Won't be there
Dangelo Won't be there
Felixinho Has been invited
audric pelletier Has been invited
Ferran Co Has been invited
TomTouv Has been invited
Youssef youyou Has been invited
Yannounou Has been invited

Moisés velfor Kreative joined the match

Jeandel13 joined the match

Baptiste Cluzeau joined the match

Hernández 1991 joined the match

Felix Faucon, audric pelletier, Ferran Co, TomTouv, Teofil, , Yannounou, Dangelo invited players have received a reminder


21/3 21:37

Jose Techno
Camilo Techno
Jonathan Techno
Yacine Pinmar


21/3 21:38

Can you add them please


21/3 21:38

And not you ?

Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for Jose

Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for Camillo

Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for Jonathan

Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for Yacine


21/3 21:39



21/3 21:39

On my way to Holland :(


21/3 21:39

Thanks, enjoy


21/3 22:17


Sylvinho06 has blocked a spot for David

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 22 March at 18:00