→ Organized by Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine
YannV joined the match
Robinho joined the match
Florian de Marignane joined the match
Nico joined the match
Didier Hentzen joined the match
Stéphane L joined the match
Moussa B joined the match
RemyB joined the match
Django34 joined the match
Brian84 joined the match
SamyB joined the match
Franck.colonna joined the match
Jean joined the match
RemyB left the match
17/2 13:41
Désolé, je dois le désister pour réunion.
Mathias D'Isanto joined the match
Stéphane L left the match
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has blocked a spot for Loan
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has blocked a spot for Cylian
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has blocked a spot for Roméo
Invited players have been notified
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has removed the player Loan
20/2 12:15
The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has blocked a spot for Manu
21/2 07:28
J’ai une réunion à 11h30 pas sur d’être à l’heure Steph tu prends ma place?
Stéphane L joined the waiting list
Stéphane L automatically added to the match from the waiting list
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine left the match
21/2 11:58
J’arrive les gars
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine has removed the player Manu
Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine joined the match
Kick-off : match is starting
21/2 12:15
Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!
21/2 13:35
The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.
The match is over
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.
This match was played on the Friday 21 February at 12:15
17/2 13:41
20/2 12:15
21/2 07:28
21/2 11:58
21/2 12:15
21/2 13:35
To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.