Football on Thursday 13, February at 20:00

→ Organized by Pappalardo pierre

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00


Baptiste (added by Pappalardo pierre)
Ezzenedine (added by Pappalardo pierre)
Olivier8888 Won't be there
Arnaud Flo je t'aime Won't be there
Stephane Beurton Won't be there
Romainbubu Won't be there
Thomas13120 Has been invited
Antho1984 Has been invited
Tom J Has been invited
La Sénech' Has been invited
Hayrald Has been invited
Alex_J Has been invited
Flodu13 Has been invited
fredo13 Has been invited
Pedro Gurdjian Has been invited
Alex lalouche Has been invited
Petit prince Has been invited
David Exposito Has been invited
OlivierP Has been invited

Kamil13 joined the match


11/2 13:19

Je peux être là s'il vous manque un joueur, mais c'est un peu compliqué pour moi ce jeudi, je termine à 19h30

Romainbubu joined the match

Martino joined the match


12/2 14:20

Salut les gars! Je serai pas là mais ya Baptiste et Ezzedine qui sont chauds (je passe leur contact à Pierre); ils sont déjà venus et super sympa. A+


12/2 14:52

Je vais devoir me retirer moi désolé

Romainbubu left the match


12/2 18:41

Salut les gars, pas dispo cette semaine

Robot Assistant

12/2 20:00

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Pappalardo pierre has blocked a spot for Baptiste

Pappalardo pierre has blocked a spot for Ezzenedine

Pappalardo pierre cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

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