Football on Tuesday 17, December at 12:15

→ Organized by Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine

Open football match
12:15 → 13:35
Kévin Bauer Won't be there
Pascal L Won't be there
Moussa B Won't be there
SamyB Won't be there
JÉRÔME SERRET Won't be there
Le Nico Won't be there
YannV Won't be there
MatWan Won't be there
Sentino Won't be there
Gael04 Won't be there
ThomasM Won't be there
Matthieu g Won't be there
Arthur CERISIER Has been invited
Robinho Has been invited
JeromeN Has been invited
Didier Hentzen Has been invited
Brian84 Has been invited
Kirito Has been invited
BenoitF Has been invited
Julien Barthes Has been invited
Franck.colonna Has been invited
Django34 Has been invited
Morgan B Has been invited
NicosDigitech Has been invited
Aladin D Has been invited
Pierre-Jean Has been invited
Laurent Casquette Rouge Has been invited
Pierre SEGUIN Has been invited
Matthieu D Has been invited
Tristan013 Has been invited
Jonathan Artaud Has been invited
Fabio13 Has been invited
Jule69latrick Has been invited
Nicolas A Has been invited
Lucas Lombardo Has been invited
Sébastien Taz Has been invited
Cyril Lucca Has been invited
Romain1383 Has been invited
Guillaume EDF Has been invited
Simon edf Has been invited
Jerome Gattacceca Has been invited
Braults Has been invited
Simon Digitech Has been invited
Ezephir Has been invited
Xavier Le Gallic Has been invited
Jauffret Has been invited
Maxime531 Has been invited
GabrielDigitech Has been invited
Louis48 Has been invited
Youssouph Has been invited
Jean-Luc DK Has been invited
Prince Has been invited
Fabien ESPOSITO Has been invited
Rayan B Has been invited
Porcari Has been invited
Viciana Has been invited
Djejew Has been invited
Ray2727 Has been invited
Flo Has been invited
Momo85 Has been invited
Antho Lage Has been invited
sabry Has been invited
Daniel SNUM Has been invited
Freydier Has been invited
Anthony Lagain Has been invited
Julien E. Has been invited
Yoann Quesnel Has been invited
Vladimir V Has been invited
Leny Montheil Has been invited
Matthieu PB Has been invited
Antoine emilien Has been invited
Fabrizio Has been invited

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine left the match

Le Nico joined the match

Sentino joined the match

RemyB joined the match

Nico joined the match

Christophe Bouvet joined the match

Jay Jay les Cheveux Gris joined the match

JÉRÔME SERRET joined the match

Mathias D'Isanto joined the match

Florian de Marignane joined the match

Florian de Marignane

10/12 18:00

Possible d'étendre la liste et d'inviter dès maintenant les collègues du jeudi? Ou préférez-vous attendre?

Jean joined the match


10/12 19:42

Pas encore je crois qu’il ouvre le vendredi Antoine

Stéphane L joined the match


11/12 21:11

Désolé les gars j'ai un empêchement pour mardi... je me désiste.

JÉRÔME SERRET left the match

Luchacho joined the match

MehdiBenj joined the match

Le Nico left the match

Luchacho left the match

Invited players have been notified


16/12 08:34

Les gars, vous pouvez ajouter vos + 1.
Je me désinscris je repose ma cheville.
Bon match

Sentino left the match

Stéphane L left the match


16/12 09:20

C est mort encore...:-(

Jay Jay les Cheveux Gris

16/12 10:46

Arghhh non!
Vous ne voulez pas ouvrir aux joueurs du jeudi ?


16/12 10:48

Ça serait bien ouai

Florian de Marignane

16/12 11:34

D'après les notifications, l'invitation a été modifiée donc leur a été envoyée ce matin. Peut-être un peu tard..
Attendons de voir si certains s'inscrivent ce soir.

Robot Assistant

16/12 12:15

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?


16/12 13:03

Les gars, va falloir statuer sur qui reprend le mardi. En effet, le créneau est en train de mourir car Antoine ne peut plus l’assurer et si personne ne le reprends concrètement, ce sera la fin


16/12 13:20

Jérôme m a dit qu il était chaud


17/12 06:55

Bon c'est ort pour today du coup...


17/12 06:56

Bon c'est mort pour today du coup...

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Antoine cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

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