Football on Friday 6, December at 12:15

→ Organized by Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

Open football match
12:15 → 13:30


Nicolas (added by Giraud adrian)
Alexis (added by Giraud adrian)
Alexis (added by Giraud adrian)
Alexis (added by Giraud adrian)
Julien (added by Giraud adrian)
Ychem (added by Giraud adrian)
Arnaud (added by Giraud adrian)
Mathieu Bouygues Won't be there
YannV Won't be there
butbut0 Won't be there
Luchacho Won't be there
MatWan Won't be there
Vincent EDF Won't be there
Benjamin.fx Has been invited
Le Nico Has been invited
Moussa B Has been invited
Fabien Has been invited
Bastat Has been invited
Stéphane L Has been invited
Magid Has been invited
Ben KAO Has been invited
Sentino Has been invited
JeromeN Has been invited
Nico decat Has been invited

05/12 10:23

malade donc pas de foot pour moi cette semaine.

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

05/12 12:28

Aller les gars on se motive!!!

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

05/12 12:28

Et si on est dix on se fera un 5-5 au petit stade 🙂

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

05/12 23:02

Je vous propose de prendre vos affaire et on essaye de trouver un dixième joueur d’ici demain matin, on se fait un petit 5-5 sur le petit stade

Giraud adrian

06/12 09:35

Moi chui chaud allez venez les gars

Giraud adrian

06/12 09:35

Moi je suis là et y’a mon frère aussi

Giraud adrian

06/12 09:35

Rajouter un joueur

Guillaume EDF

06/12 10:34

Côté EDF on a nos affaires, on sera là. A toute !

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 6 December at 12:15