Football on Friday 1, November at 12:15

→ Organized by Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

Open football match
12:15 → 13:30
Christophe Bouvet Won't be there
Guillaume EDF Won't be there
Lucas Won't be there
Mathias D'Isanto Won't be there
Fabien Won't be there
YannV Won't be there
Sentino Won't be there
Luchacho Won't be there
Moussa B Won't be there
Vincent EDF Won't be there
MatWan Has been invited
butbut0 Has been invited
Rimk Has been invited
MehdiBenj Has been invited
Moussa B

28/10 12:39

Mathieu qui a participé au match de la semaine dernière a créé son compte et je lui ai envoyé l'invitation

Moussa B

30/10 21:17

Obligé d'arrêter le sport pour un bon moment ...

Les Footballeurs des Milles / Gibaud EDF

31/10 12:10

Vu le nombre d’inscrits... j’annule le match. Passer un bon week-end et à la semaine prochaine ?


31/10 12:47

Désolé je ne serai pas dispo ce vendredi

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