Where to play football with Footinho?

Stade d’athlétisme Robert-Poirier
6 Matches played on this field
Rennes 0 games
Stade Edgar Quinet
0 Matches played on this field
Lyon 03 0 games
Stade Edouard Clerville
0 Matches played on this field
Ivry-sur-Seine 0 games
Stade Élisabeth
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Elisabithino
4 Matches played on this field
Paris 14 Observatoire 0 games
Stade Émile Anthoine
5 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Emile Anthoine
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade en herbe
0 Matches played on this field
Sautron 0 games
Stade et gymnase Pierre-Albalate
0 Matches played on this field
Lyon 08 0 games
Stade Exes
2 Matches played on this field
Strasbourg 0 games
Stade Felix Eboue
3 Matches played on this field
Asnieres-sur-Seine 0 games
Stade Fernand-Fournier
1 Matches played on this field
Arles 0 games
Stade Fleurier
2 Matches played on this field
Mantes-la-Ville 0 games
Stade Fontainieu
154 Matches played on this field
Marseille 0 games
Stade Frédéric Langrenay
1 Matches played on this field
Longjumeau 0 games
Stade Gagarine
0 Matches played on this field
Trappes 0 games
Stade Gaston Bussière
1 Matches played on this field
Sevran 0 games
Stade Georges Carcassonne
2 Matches played on this field
Aix-en-Provence 0 games
Stade Georges Carpentier
17 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Georges Carpentier
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Georges Foulon
1 Matches played on this field
Neuilly-sur-Marne 0 games
Stade Georges Pompidou
1 Matches played on this field
Drôme 0 games
Stade Georges Racine
35 Matches played on this field
Clichy 0 games
Stade Georges Suant
2 Matches played on this field
Antony 0 games
Stade Gil Fayard
1 Matches played on this field
Montpellier 0 games
Stade Gilbert Rude
1 Matches played on this field
Talant 0 games
Stade Hébert
2 Matches played on this field
Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal 0 games
Stade Henri Seigneur
1 Matches played on this field
Nord 0 games
Stade Ile de Puteaux
5 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Infroit
0 Matches played on this field
0 games
Stade Ivraie
5 Matches played on this field
Cergy 0 games
Stade Jean Brestel
1 Matches played on this field
Méry-sur-Oise 0 games
Stade Jean Guimier
0 Matches played on this field
0 games
Stade Jean Jaurès
4 Matches played on this field
Bron 0 games
Stade Jean Jeanton
38 Matches played on this field
Fabregues 0 games
Stade Jean Lezer
1 Matches played on this field
Montrouge 0 games
Stade Jean Moulin
1 Matches played on this field
Anglet 0 games
Stade Jean Pierre Wimille
0 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
1 Matches played on this field
Evry 0 games
Stade Jeannie Longo
6 Matches played on this field
Tournon-sur-Rhône 0 games
Stade Jules Noël
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 14 Observatoire 0 games
Stade juninho
2 Matches played on this field
Lyon 0 games
Stade l'Hayette
1 Matches played on this field
L'Haÿ-les-Roses 0 games
Stade lafarge
0 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Laurent Gérin
1 Matches played on this field
Vénissieux 0 games
Stade Legallo
0 Matches played on this field
Boulogne-Billancourt 0 games
Stade Leo Lagrange
2 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Léo Lagrange
9 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Léo Lagrange
0 Matches played on this field
Paris 0 games
Stade Léo Lagrange
1 Matches played on this field
Les Mureaux 0 games

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