Football on Friday 17, May at 19:30

→ Organized by Arno

Open football match
19:30 → 20:30
Fan fly 53 Won't be there
Patrick Geffroy Won't be there
Amine Won't be there
Rémi Won't be there
marhis Removed
Matthias Removed
EVEILLARD Won't be there
ChadilyJR Won't be there
Emeric Won't be there
camilleduurandd Won't be there
Adrien Roussel Won't be there
Teddylc Has been invited
Frantz Has been invited
florian saliba Has been invited
Tcha Roger Has been invited
Erwan56 Has been invited
PeterBa Has been invited
Quentin Has been invited
Nassim35 Has been invited
PaulOM13 Has been invited
Sad batistuta Has been invited
jeff7 Has been invited
Bassirou_bsg Has been invited
Pierrick35 Has been invited
Alyd Has been invited
Zzr Has been invited
Baptiste Has been invited
Théo Has been invited
Rony Has been invited
Banctel Has been invited
Osmanbhm Has been invited
Marceau18 Has been invited
Morgan Katarn Has been invited
Chuberre Has been invited
Casillas Has been invited
Quentin Monnier Has been invited
Hatem56 Has been invited
Blin Has been invited

Greg35 joined the match

OM joined the match

Pascal joined the match

Dhia joined the match

GALAI joined the match

Invited players have been notified

camilleduurandd joined the match

camilleduurandd has blocked a spot for marhis


16/5 14:35

Résa effectué👍


16/5 15:37

Salut, posssible de jouer à 12 si je ramène 3 amis avec moi ?

Emeric joined the match

The match is full

Emeric has blocked a spot for Matthias

The match is full


16/5 16:00

Si ça ne te fais rien je préfère à 10


16/5 16:12

T’es sur que ça serait pas plus tranquille à 12 ?


16/5 19:28

resa a quel nom ??


16/5 19:49


Emeric left the match

Emeric has removed the player Matthias


16/5 19:52

je pensais que c’était ce soir les gars

camilleduurandd has removed the player marhis

camilleduurandd left the match

ahmed joined the match

Thomas joined the match


17/5 14:24

Hello, il manque 2 les gars vous pouvez chercher des joueurs ?


17/5 16:07

J'ai cherché j'ai pas trouvé de joueurs.
Si à 18h on est pas assez le match sera annulé 😒

OM has blocked a spot for Titi

The match is full

OM has blocked a spot for Titi2

The match is full


17/5 16:49

Bravo Ouahïd 👍.
Et à l'heure bien évidemment... 😏

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

17/5 19:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

17/5 20:30

The match is over! How was it? Don't forget to Vote for the Man of the Match!

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

Robot Assistant

18/5 18:30

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

Robot Assistant

18/5 18:30

Arno Was Chosen as The Man of The Match! Applause for him everybody!

To ask a question or post a comment, you must : Sign up , It is free.

This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 17 May at 19:30