Football on Wednesday 25, October at 21:00

→ Organized by Gab

Open football match
21:00 → 22:00

APerrot joined the match

APerrot left the match

Invited players have been notified

JeromeL joined the match

Steve joined the match

Jérémy Carpentier joined the match

Far69 joined the match

Vadmmmm joined the match

Florian Groms joined the match

Far69 has blocked a spot for Mathieu

Gralex joined the match

Remsy , clementp13, Rom_, GauthierDessaut, Kdeoliveira, Arthuro25 invited players have received a reminder

Arthuro25 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Branza_07 joined the waiting list

Bendahou badr joined the waiting list

Branza_07 automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Bendahou badr automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Branza_07 has been removed from the players

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

25/10 21:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

25/10 22:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 25 October at 21:00