Football on Sunday 21, May at 16:30

→ Organized by Bilal

Open football match
16:30 → 18:00


Mohamed I (added by Bilal)
Zak (added by Bilal)
Billy (added by Bilal)
Karim (added by Bilal)
Hicham23 Won't be there
Nadir Won't be there

Bilal has blocked a spot for Mohamed I

Bilal has blocked a spot for Zak

Bilal has blocked a spot for Billy

Bilal has blocked a spot for Karim

Mohamed tahar joined the match

Divdiv1987 joined the match

Nadir joined the match

Hicham23 joined the match

Hicham23 left the match

Hamza SAK joined the match

Abdou joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Yous joined the waiting list

Yous automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Nadir left the match


21/5 13:13

Salem oubliez pas 16h30 à urban soccer soyez a l'heure svp parce que je ne pense pas que je pourrais jouer jusqu'à 18h00


21/5 13:23

Aleykoum salam 👌🏽

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 21 May at 16:30