Football on Wednesday 26, April at 19:30

→ Organized by Jordane

Open football match
19:30 → 20:30
Benoit F Won't be there
Vianney Won't be there
Damestoy Won't be there
Coraline Adam Won't be there
Vanvan Won't be there
Philibert Removed
Erwan Won't be there
Jordane Won't be there
Max Won't be there
Martouf Won't be there
Duvalier Has been invited
Nass Has been invited
Jean Gräff Has been invited
Edgar Has been invited
Fraimbault Has been invited
Chinois Has been invited
Vico35 Has been invited
Evrard Has been invited
Dupdupinho Has been invited
Clément Def Has been invited
Thomas Has been invited
Louis T Has been invited
Manuel Has been invited
Adrieno Has been invited
Gonot JB Has been invited
Nardiño Has been invited

El polo l'asticot joined the match

Martouf joined the match

Vanvan joined the match

Britsch joined the match

Max joined the match


20/4 16:47

Désolé les gars je suis en stage pédant 2 semaines.

Vanvan left the match

El polo l'asticot has blocked a spot for Philibert

Phili joined the match

El polo l'asticot has removed the player Philibert

Harold joined the match

Gaël joined the match

Jordane has blocked a spot for Illan

Louis-Marie joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Jordane left the match


25/4 08:19

Désolé les gars je suis bloqué du dos… Vous avez un 10eme ou je passe en open ?


25/4 08:29

J’ai peut être un gars
Je lui demande

Mickeyinho joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Louss joined the waiting list


26/4 08:22

Hello si Louis tu veux prendre ma place ; ça me permettrait de me reposer des travaux que je fais dans la maison. Ca serait possible ?

Louss automatically added to the match from the waiting list


26/4 16:39

Yo les gars
Je suis éclaté
Un début d’angine
Je laisse ma place si vous n’avez personne d’ici 19h je viendrais

Martouf left the match


26/4 17:16

J'ai un gars. C'est possible de le rajouter svp ?


26/4 17:16

Il s'appelle Guilhem


26/4 17:41

Merci !
Je peux pas le rajouter étant donné que j’ai quitté le match
Quelqu’un d’autre doit le faire

Jordane has blocked a spot for Guilhem

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


26/4 17:44

C’est bon c’est faut


26/4 17:44



26/4 17:45

Merci vieux !

Kick-off : match is starting


26/4 19:38

Mickeyinho ? Terrain 3

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 26 April at 19:30