Football on Sunday 21, May at 14:00

→ Organized by hadouachi

Open football match
14:00 → 15:00


moussa (added by hadouachi )
Adil (added by hadouachi )
Maxime (added by hadouachi )
El hou (added by hadouachi )
mimoun (added by hadouachi )
Khalid (added by hadouachi )
mimoun Removed
Maxime Removed
Yous Won't be there

hadouachi has blocked a spot for moussa

hadouachi has blocked a spot for Adil

hadouachi has blocked a spot for mimoun

Amine nekhlaoui joined the match

Echahid abdelaziz joined the match

El Youssef joined the match

hadouachi has removed the player mimoun

hadouachi has blocked a spot for Maxime

hadouachi has removed the player Maxime

hadouachi has blocked a spot for El hou

hadouachi has blocked a spot for mimoun

hadouachi has blocked a spot for Khalid

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


20/5 21:05

Salam aleykoum Bonjour jorky confirmé rendez-vous à 14h00 au sun set soccer 37 Rue du Traité de Rome, 69780 Mions svp arrivé à l'heure si terrain libre après une heure de jeu on continue si vous êtes libre à demain inchallah.

Yous joined the waiting list

Yous left the waiting list

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Sunday 21 May at 14:00