OPEN FOOT - 20 DHS/PERSONNE - MATCH OUVERT À TOUS! on Saturday 20, May at 22:00

→ Organized by F5 Kech

Open football match
22:00 → 23:00
Ilyass Aa Won't be there
Oussama Charai Won't be there
Omar Bouarir Won't be there
Hamza ? Has been invited
Yassine simou Has been invited
F5 Kech

19/5 19:19

Salam Omar, f5kech c'est l'administrateur de footinho est pas un joueur. Donc si tu as un autre joueur, il peux jouer avec vous

Ilyass Aa

19/5 19:41


Ilyass Aa

19/5 19:41

Ila kayna chi blassa

F5 Kech

19/5 19:44

Salam Ilyass, safi yamken tal3ab m3ahoum fablasst F5 ?

F5 Kech

19/5 19:45

Bghit confirmation des autres joueurs

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This match is over

This match was played on the Saturday 20 May at 22:00