Football on Wednesday 18, October at 19:45

→ Organized by Simious

Open football match
19:45 → 21:30
Ludo CL Won't be there
Thiber Won't be there
ThibG Won't be there
Xavi Won't be there
Deschamps Olivier Won't be there
Petar Won't be there
Kevin Won't be there
Ju G. Won't be there
Barbite Has been invited
Thierry@ Has been invited
Alou Has been invited
Zoum Has been invited
Ocakdan Has been invited
Audran Has been invited
Hamza Has been invited
Alban Has been invited
samo Has been invited
Kostur Has been invited
Tony Has been invited

Anas joined the match

Orhan54 joined the match

Xavi joined the match

Kevin joined the match

Vincent Dgn joined the match


13/10 17:46

J’ai un gardien pour ce mercredi qui vient

Esdras joined the match


13/10 17:47

Super ajouté le

ThibG has blocked a spot for Jérémy

ThibG left the match

Xavi left the match

MaximeP joined the match

Deschamps Olivier joined the match

Deschamps Olivier left the match

Deschamps Olivier

17/10 17:47

Désolé je pensais pouvoir venir mais ma femme quitte à 20h ...sorry

Anas has blocked a spot for Gardien avec Esdras

Dodu joined the match

Robot Assistant

17/10 19:45

The game is in only 24 hours and you are still missing some players. Come on everyone! Who can find some players for tomorrow?

Barbite, Ju G., Petar, Thierry@, Alou, Zoum, Ocakdan , Audran , Hamza, Alban, samo, Kostur, Tony invited players have received a reminder


17/10 19:50

Simon, tu peux ajouter un joueur PO, qui viendra avec Jérémy. Merci et bon foot

Simious has blocked a spot for Pote jeremy

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Kevin left the match


18/10 11:13

Bon, encore un mercredi foireux. Quelqu'un pense trouver de 1 à 3 joueurs ?


18/10 11:14

D'ailleurs quelqu'un peut m'embarquer si ça se fait ? idéalement pas loin des rives de meurthe. Sinon au pire Dodu je peux te retrouver vers chez toi ?

Vincent Dgn

18/10 11:41

On est 10 là c'est bon non ?


18/10 12:05

Non, nous somme 9 simon ne participe pas il reste pour suivre au besoin


18/10 12:38

Manque 1 je suis pas là

Vincent Dgn

18/10 12:39

On devrait pouvoir trouver 1 joueur quand même..!


18/10 16:24

Salut les gars mon gardien m’a fait un faux plan donc un joueur de moins


18/10 16:25

Ok j’annule

Simious cancelled the match

Vincent Dgn

18/10 16:26

Ça fait chier... Autant arrêter de se projeter sur les mercredi

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