Football on Wednesday 3, May at 15:00

→ Organized by YassPewPew

Open football match
15:00 → 16:00


AF (added by YassPewPew)
Rm (added by YassPewPew)
Jb (added by YassPewPew)
Evann (added by YassPewPew)
Jbm Removed
Jbm Removed
Mehdi06000 Won't be there

YassPewPew has blocked a spot for AF

YassPewPew has blocked a spot for Rm

YassPewPew has blocked a spot for Jb

YassPewPew has blocked a spot for Jbm

YassPewPew has removed the player Jbm

YassPewPew has removed the player Jbm

YassPewPew has blocked a spot for Evann

Mehdi06000 joined the match

Mehdi06000 left the match

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 3 May at 15:00