Football on Friday 17, May at 20:30

→ Organized by Mimoun

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00
Nshuit Won't be there
NiRoN Won't be there
Alex Won't be there
Ham Has been invited
ElyesBS Has been invited
Mohib Has been invited
Tony Has been invited
KHATIR Has been invited
Brigan Has been invited
Remy Has been invited
Jamel Has been invited

Quentino joined the match

Salah13 joined the match

Kev971 joined the match

Curtis230 joined the match

MarwenGallala joined the match

Mac Felix joined the match

StartNess joined the match

Mimoun has blocked a spot for Chirurgien

AdR78 joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

The organizer has edited the lineups

Alex, Ham, ElyesBS, Mohib, Tony, KHATIR , Brigan, Remy , Jamel invited players have received a reminder


17/5 13:24

Salut les gars . Confirmer moi pour ce soir svp . Bonne aprem à vous 👍


17/5 13:41

Yes yes🔥


17/5 13:42

Yes 🎉


17/5 13:58


Mac Felix

17/5 14:00



17/5 16:30



17/5 20:04

Retard de 10min pour moi

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

17/5 20:30

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

17/5 22:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 17 May at 20:30