Football on Friday 8, September at 20:30

→ Organized by Foued

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00


Alex 1 (added by Foued)
Alex 2 (added by Foued)
Majid (added by Foued)
Leo Removed
Salah13 Won't be there
souhail_5 Won't be there
Jamel Won't be there
Frontis-Lewis Won't be there
Mimoun Has been invited
Sacha Yancey Has been invited
Alex Has been invited
Quentino Has been invited
Benji2408 Has been invited
Julien-78 Has been invited
Kev971 Has been invited
Prestù Has been invited
Mourad Has been invited
Giovapopop Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Musti Has been invited
Tony_as Has been invited
Méroine Has been invited
Mohib Has been invited
Curtis230 Has been invited

Foued has blocked a spot for Alex 1

Foued has blocked a spot for Alex 2

Foued has blocked a spot for Leo

Remy joined the match

Souan joined the match

Frontis-Lewis joined the match

Santa joined the match


07/9 16:16

Salam frero désolé je joue déjà au five à la même heure vendredi


07/9 17:45

Pas de souci cest noté merci pour ton message

Foued has blocked a spot for Majid

Santa left the match

Santa joined the match


07/9 23:16

Salut les gars il manque un.joueur pour demain si vous avez des amis n'hésitez pas a leur demander svp


07/9 23:51

Demain ?
C'est écrit vendredi 15.


08/9 00:03

Oui vendredi


08/9 00:09

8 septembre 2023

The organizer has edited the lineups


08/9 00:11

OK, donc pas dispo.

Frontis-Lewis left the match


08/9 00:12

Pas dispo?


08/9 00:13

Demain 20h30? Pas dispo

Freezer joined the match

Foued has removed the player Leo


08/9 13:02

Les gars il nous manque 2 joueurs pouvez vous prevenir vos connaissances? Merci


08/9 13:20

Sinon je risque d'annuler


08/9 13:54

Bon les gars match annulé aucun retour plusieurs desistement

Foued cancelled the match


08/9 14:08

Merci tout de meme


08/9 14:32

Pourquoi tu as annule aussi tôt ?


08/9 14:32

J'ai nine equipe si tu veux pour jouer contre toi

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This match is canceled

This match is canceled

You can't join this match because it was canceled.