Football on Friday 12, May at 20:30

→ Organized by Mimoun

Open football match
20:30 → 22:00

Waiting List

StartNess Won't be there
Videira32 Won't be there
Mimoun Won't be there
Quentino Won't be there
Brigan Won't be there
Frontis-Lewis Won't be there
Nshuit Has been invited
Benji2408 Has been invited
Zak95 Has been invited
Mounir E. Has been invited
Omar19 Has been invited
Enes Has been invited
El Hizaz Has been invited
Sly7 Has been invited
Dado Has been invited
Samba Has been invited
Luxbru Has been invited
Pado Has been invited
KHATIR Has been invited

Nordine. joined the match

NiRoN joined the match

Alex joined the match

Méroine joined the match

Quentino joined the match

Julien-78 joined the match

Brigan joined the match

Kev971 joined the match

Nshuit, Benji2408 invited players have received a reminder

Mimoun has blocked a spot for Chirurgien

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Mac Felix joined the waiting list

The organizer has edited the lineups

Mac Felix automatically added to the match from the waiting list

Quentino left the match


12/5 09:01

Désolé les gars je vais finir trop tard le taf.
Bon match à vous

Brigan left the match

Mohamed m joined the match


12/5 14:46

Bonjour à tous .

Pouvez vous confirmer pour ce soir SVP .

Merci à tous et bonne journée,

On devrait avoir deux joueurs de plus par le biais de Méroine


12/5 14:51



12/5 15:05


Mac Felix

12/5 15:06


Mohamed m

12/5 15:06



12/5 15:24


Jamel joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


12/5 16:17


The organizer has edited the lineups


12/5 16:44



12/5 17:42



12/5 17:56



12/5 18:20

Si y'a un desistement je peux depanner

Tony78 joined the waiting list

Mohamed m

12/5 20:29

Je suis juste devant je cherche une place pour me garer

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

Votes for the match of the match are open

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This match is over

This match was played on the Friday 12 May at 20:30