Football on Wednesday 29, March at 19:30

→ Organized by Anthony78

Open football match
19:30 → 21:00


Olvni (added by Anthony78)
Elmz (added by Anthony78)
Marceau (added by Anthony78)
Pote Marceau (added by Anthony78)
Brigan (added by Anthony78)
Killian (added by Anthony78)
Toto Removed
Nacer Removed
Titi Removed
Killian Removed
Brigan Has been invited
Alex Has been invited
Mac Felix Has been invited

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Toto

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Olvni

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Elmz

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Nacer

The organizer has edited the lineups

Anthony78 has removed the player Nacer

Anthony78 has removed the player Toto

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Marceau

Hamza bok joined the match

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Pote Marceau

The organizer has edited the lineups

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Titi

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Killian

Anthony78 has removed the player Titi

Jr Estéban joined the match

Zouhir joined the match

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Brigan

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Anthony78 has removed the player Killian


29/3 05:47

Rendez vous 19h30 ce soir terrain 4


29/3 05:56

Brigan je t’es rajouter manuellement

Anthony78 has blocked a spot for Killian

The match is full : a waiting list is now available


29/3 07:44

On et complet c’est bon


29/3 07:44

A ce soir les gars

Hamza bok

29/3 10:55


Giovapopop joined the waiting list

Tellem joined the waiting list


29/3 18:57

Terrain 3

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 29 March at 19:30