Football on Monday 6, March at 21:00

→ Organized by Prestù

Open football match
21:00 → 22:30


Alban (added by Prestù)
Gana (added by Prestù)
Romain (added by Prestù)
Germahno (added by Prestù)
Enes Won't be there
Mounir E. Won't be there
Germanho Removed
Quentino Won't be there
Dd92 Won't be there
Abderrahman Won't be there
fmb Has been invited
Mimoun Has been invited
Nono Has been invited
Videira32 Has been invited
Akira Has been invited
Damian Rojas Has been invited
Julien Has been invited
Mounirho Has been invited
Bastion Has been invited
Benji2408 Has been invited
Jonathan743 Has been invited
Alex Has been invited

Prestù has blocked a spot for Alban

Prestù has blocked a spot for Gana

Germanho joined the match

Prestù has blocked a spot for Romain


03/3 11:08

Les gars il vous manque 4 joueurs et moi cinq! Ca vous dis pas de ramener 5 joueurs et on vous affronte 5 contre 5 lundi a 20h a poissy


03/3 14:12

Salut Tony, oui c est possible mais faudrait peux être mixe car je ne connais pas le niveau des autres ?

Anass joined the match


03/3 19:26

Ba oui on pourrait mixer


04/3 01:43

Du coup je te confirme ça demain mais normalement c est bon pour nous


04/3 10:08

Je ne comprends pas bien. Du coup, ce matche est encore programmé à 21h ou vous jouer entre vous à 20h?
Il y a déjà 7/10.
Si vous décidez de jouer entre vous dites le à l'avance svp.


04/3 14:06

Germaho et Santa merci de confirmer votre présence et de m envoyé vos numéros svp

Germanho has been removed from the players


05/3 00:41

Si pas de match complet dimanche soir j annule


05/3 07:34

Bonjour je n’avais pas vu le message
Je suis bien présent lundi


Prestù has blocked a spot for Germahno


05/3 08:08

Bonjour Germanho, c est bon je t ai ajouté

Dd92 joined the match

Dd92 left the match

Prestù cancelled the match

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This match is canceled

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