Football on Wednesday 17, May at 20:00

→ Organized by BenRdz

Open football match
20:00 → 21:00
Florian Saura Won't be there
Nico All Won't be there
Moussa B Won't be there
Cedric beyo Won't be there
Pierre Has been invited
BenoitF Has been invited
jf andranian Has been invited
Fabulus Has been invited
Aubert09 Has been invited
NARGUITO Has been invited
FabTrn Has been invited
Herwin Has been invited

Aubert joined the match

Aubert joined the match

Thib83 joined the match

Leviok joined the match

D@mien joined the match

MaximeF joined the match

François Meurou joined the match

Nico All joined the match

Ben Dreux joined the match

Maccione joined the match

The match is full


15/5 08:12

Les gars je ne suis pas là mercredi si qqn veut prendre la place

Nico All

15/5 14:50

Les gars absent aussi je remets ma place, sorry


15/5 14:51

On est donc 8 c’est bien ça ?

Ben Dreux

15/5 15:05


Guitus joined the match

The match is full

François Meurou

15/5 18:44

Il manque toujours le 10 ème ou c'est géré ?


15/5 19:40

Yes, il en manque toujours 1 qui me remplace

François Meurou

15/5 20:35

Et quelqu'un a écrit à Cedric par hasard ?


15/5 20:36

Oui il est pas dispo. En Normandie


15/5 20:36

Le pauvre…


16/5 22:05

Beubeu prend ma place !


16/5 23:11

Merci benj du coup on est bien 10 ?


16/5 23:14

Yes c’est good


17/5 00:01

Parfait merci many profite bien


17/5 18:29

J'ai un joueur en plus pour jeudi

Kick-off : match is starting

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Wednesday 17 May at 20:00