→ Organized by Maël
Merlin joined the match
Merlin has blocked a spot for Simon
Maël has removed the player Simon
Fillo35 joined the match
Maël has blocked a spot for Charly
Amine joined the match
Jocelyn joined the match
Alan joined the match
Yohann35 joined the match
Morgan Katarn joined the match
The match is full : a waiting list is now available
31/1 15:31
C est bon ça. Complet dès le vendredi, ça rigole plus
Bastien Spartan joined the waiting list
Bastien Spartan automatically added to the match from the waiting list
Morgan Katarn left the match
02/2 01:33
Je me suis tordu la cheville au soccer ce matin, et je boîte fortement depuis, bon match à Bastien et à tlm ;) ! À bientôt j'espère !
02/2 18:52
Rétablis toi bien Morgan
Alan left the match
04/2 19:28
Je préfère me mettre en peut-être pcq j’ai la gastro depuis ce matin donc pas sûr d’être OP jeudi soir …
04/2 19:43
Prenez soin de vous les gars.
Jmets en public.
Jeremy joined the match
Jeremy has been removed from the players
Maël has blocked a spot for Jérémy
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Too late! No more spot available..
31/1 15:31
02/2 01:33
02/2 18:52
04/2 19:28
04/2 19:43
04/2 19:43
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